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Welcome to St Charles King and Martyr Anglican Church

Anglican Province of Christ the King

Since 1984, we have wholeheartedly welcomed members of the greater Huntsville and Madison County community to include all of North Alabama and Southern Tennessee to join us in song, service, worship and prayer at St Charles King and Martyr Anglican Church. Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled congregation.

Come worship with us

Sunday School   10 am.

Holy Eucharist    11 am

Evening Prayer     6 pm



Morning Prayer    7:30 am

Evening Prayer     6:00 pm

Wednesday  12:00pm Mid-Week Mass 

Office Hours

Monday-Wednesday   8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Thursday    8:30 to 10 am

Off Friday and Saturday.  

St Charles is a place of prayer, peace, worship and joy to all who join us. Our community is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds. Our worship service is structured on early church liturgy including hymns with choir and organ accompaniment, a soul-gripping homily, and holy communion. Join us for coffee hour downstairs after the service. Our doors are open to everyone seeking to welcome God into their hearts.

Home: About


Get to Know Us

Our beliefs are based on the Bible and the time-honored creeds of the Church. We uphold family values and New Testament morality and use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer as a basis for our worship service. Anglican Province of Christ the King.

With Jesus Christ and His sacrament of Holy Communion at our core, we worship God and preach the Gospel in the beauty and ordered dignity of Christ-centered service. We are a sacramental church, believing that God works through matter in the waters of Holy Baptism, in the bread and wine of the Holy Eucharist. He works through each of us as His Body, the Church.

Home: Team Members

The Most Reverend
Blair William Schultz

Archbishop of the Anglican Province of Christ the King

On June 14th, the feast of Saint Basil, the Council of Bishops elected the Right Reverend Blair W. Schultz as the fifth Archbishop of the Anglican Province of Christ the King


The Right Reverend Bishop Blair William Schultz has been Rector of All Saints Anglican Church since 2008. Originally from Monmouth, Illinois, Bishop Schultz helped to found All Saints Church in 1996 when he was a layman. At that time Bishop Schultz was a Forensic Scientist with the Illinois State Police. After studying for the Diaconate, he was ordained Deacon in 1998. Called to the priesthood, he retired in 2005 to attended St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College in Berkeley, California, and he received a Bachelor of Sacred Theology in 2007. After being ordained priest, he was the Assistant Priest at All Saints until his installation as Rector. Prior to being consecrated Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of the Atlantic States (DAS) onSeptember 21, 2017, Bishop Schultz was Canon to the Archbishop of the Anglican Province of Christ the King from 2012 until 2015 when he was appointed Canon to the Bishop of the Diocese of the Atlantic States. In addition to his duties as Bishop Suffragan, Bishop Schultz is President of the Standing Committee and a member of the Marriage Tribunal, the Board of Examining Chaplains, and the Ecclesiastical Court, all of the Diocese of the Atlantic States. Bishop Schutz has a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from Monmouth College, Illinois, (1972) and a Master of Science in Forensic Science from George Washington University, (1974).

Way of the Cross from Jerusalem 2021

Way of the Cross from Jerusalem 2021

Home: Watch

Contact Us

Ask a question, share a story, or sign up for updates.

212 Washington Street NE, Huntsville, Alabama, 35801

Phone: 256-534-3662

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St Charles King and Martyr Anglican Church

St. Charles is a diverse group of people. We have retirees, singles, young families, and youth. Children of all ages are welcome in our service. Some of our members dress more formally, others dress more casually. We have varied church backgrounds. In all our diversity, we are united in our common faith and worship.

Our service is made up of two major halves with many hymns interspersed throughout. The beginning of our service is the Liturgy of the Word during which readings from both the Old and New Testaments are read and preached on. The second half of the service is the Liturgy of the Eucharist when we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Any baptized Christian who believes that the Lord Jesus Christ is present to the people of God in the Lord’s Supper are welcome to receive Holy Communion (you do not have to be Anglican).

Our liturgical worship is very participatory. The ministers and the people all have parts in the prayers that we say and in the actions we take. If liturgy is new to you, that’s fine! You can still participate easily. Our entire service is in a bulletin for you to follow along.

After the service, we hope you will join us for coffee hour in the Undercroft.

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Phone: 256-534-3662

FAX: 256.534.3662

212 Washington Street NE, Huntsville, Alabama, 35801

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©2022 by St Charles King and Martyr Anglican Church .

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